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Allen & Wheelock Center Hammer Navy Revolver
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Allen & Wheelock Center Hammer Navy Revolver
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This extremely rare pistol is a six-shot percussion revolver in .36 “Navy” caliber made by Allen and Wheelock; now known to collectors as the "Allen & Wheelock Center Hammer Navy Revolver". Only about 500 are estimated to have been made in total, with the entire production running between 1861 and 1862. The center-hammer design was adopted after the company abandoned the overly complicated and fragile side hammer models from the late 1850s. This simplified, robust mechanism, combined with chamberings in the standard military calibers of .36 and .44 were an apparent attempt by the company to obtain one of the highly desirable military contracts from the Federal Government which had been prompted by the North's lack of "modern" weaponry during the early days of the Civil War. In addition to a center-hung hammer, Allen & Wheelock's new revolver also featured a unique hinged trigger guard which doubled as a loading lever. The gun was also offered in multiple barrel lengths, which included 5", 6" 7.5" and 8" offerings.
Ultimately, however, the government wasn't interested in Allen & Wheelock's new pistol, and the company was forced to sell the new center hammer revolver on the open market. Luckily for Allen & Wheelock, the North's lack of serviceable weapons had also created a growing "private purchase" market among Union soldiers, and the centerfire navy revolver found limited success as many soldiers purchased them as a backup weapon for use on the battlefield. In fact, the gun was such a popular private-purchase for soldiers that noted firearms historian and author Norm Flayderman lists it as US martial pistol because of its widespread use during the war.
This particular Allen & Wheelock Center Hammer Navy Revolver is all complete and in excellent mechanical condition. The action is very smooth and the hammer locks solid on both full and half cock. The timing of the cylinder is excellent. The lock up is nice and solid with no minimal cylinder wobble.
The 6" barrel is full length with the original front sight still intact. The bore is good with strong rifling and a few scattered areas of light surface pitting. The chambers of the cylinder are clean with no major rust or pitting.
The grips are original and in beautiful condition with no cracks or major chips.
This handsome revolver would be a great shooter and display piece. Don't wait on this rare revolver!
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